Words continue

Not as many today as yesterday, but still a respectable amount. Quite pleased to have crossed the 10,000-word mark on the new novel. (No, edits on Siren Circle are not complete yet. Soon!) Might spend some of my time this weekend making sure this beginning is solid — everyone introduced or re-introduced clearly, sufficient description, nothing contradicting earlier books. The cleaner this is now, the easier it makes the rest of it.

Words written today: 1,562
Words written this month: 6,784
Words written 2017: 153,293
Average words/day 2017: 710
Books completed 2017: 2 (plus 1 novella)
Pages read today: 1 chapter
Books read 2017: ?
Days until school starts: 24

I hope the start of August has been good to you!

Also, tonight’s dinner:
chicken dinner

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4 Responses to Words continue

  1. Widdershins says:

    Yum. Chook casserole! 😀

    • Erin says:

      I liked it. Think next time I’ll do a mix of chicken pieces, maybe layer some potatoes at the bottom of the dish. Also, more garlic (always!). 😀

  2. Widdershins says:

    You can never have too much garlic. 🙂

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