Why do waiting rooms play TVs so loud?

Needed to get my car battery replaced (and my air filter while I was at it) today. Got AAA to jumpstart my car, then I drove to the dealer. I also mentioned that part of the engine at the front wasn’t fastened, and I was told they’d look at it, but the clips were only like 75¢. I said, “No, it’s on you. The last time that engine was touched was when I had the car here for inspection last summer.” I did not get charged.

But the TV. Very loud HGTV that made concentration so hard. I have no idea how the cashier doesn’t have a constant headache sitting there across from it.

Still, managed to eke out some words. Not as many as I wanted, but I got something done, which, under the circumstances, I’m considering a win.

Words written today: 340
Words written this month: 8,541
Words written 2017: 49,056
Average words/day 2017: 1,066
Books completed 2017: 1
Pages read: 1 chapter
Books read 2017: 2
Exercise reps: 0

Right. Onward and upward!

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2 Responses to Why do waiting rooms play TVs so loud?

  1. Nicki says:

    Yay, words! Also, yay, statblock! 🙂

    (Also, good on you for putting your foot down about the clips.)

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