What I read, what I write

I used to flatter myself that I read widely, but as I’ve come more and more to realize just how very many books are out there, I’ve realized it’s just not so. I read scattered bits of different genres or subgenres, but that’s not the same at all as reading widely.

So what do I read?

The occasional cozy, some MG and YA (only if there’s a speculative element), a handful of comics (but not usually the graphic novels that are memoirs or realistic fiction), some classics, some memoirs or diaries (Captain Cook, frex), and mostly science fiction and fantasy — urban fantasy, epic fantasy, portal fantasy, space operas, a bit of steampunk. I don’t care much for mundane SF, and I only read near-future SF in short fiction.

And what do I write?

The occasional cozy, some MG (currently one each in the perpetually writing and the perpetually editing phases), some urban fantasy, some science fiction, epic fantasy (planning stages), space opera (ditto), alternate history (more in the “think this would be cool phase”), a bit of steampunk…

It’s what I know, it’s what I love, and I haven’t had anything take off to the extent I should devote myself exclusively to it. So I’ll just keep writing and keep trying.

Today’s post was inspired by the topic “What’s your favorite genre to read, and do you write it?” — September’s topic in the Merry-Go-Round Blog Tour — an ongoing tour where you, the reader, travel around the world from author’s blog to author’s blog. We have all sorts of writers at all stages in their writing career, so there’s something for everyone to enjoy. Be sure to check out the next posts in the series, by Sandra Barret, D. M. Bonanno, and Margaret McGaffey Fisk.

If you want to get to know nearly twenty other writers and find out their thoughts on first stories, check out the Merry-Go-Round Blog Tour. You can find links to all of the posts on the tour by checking out the group site. Read and enjoy!

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