Weekday outing

Today, for the first time in years, I chaperoned a field trip for the boy. Went up to Jacobsburg State Park. Park rangers covered three different areas — hiking, orienteering, and birding.

There was a lot more walking than I usually do, and I’m glad I used both ankle brace and cane. My legs are weak and weary, but it’s a good feeling.

Pretty much all of the birds we saw are the same ones I see in our yard and neighborhood — hardly surprising, given how close the state park is. Turkey vultures, American crows, American robin, sparrows, chickadees. The ranger did identify a flock of pine siskins, though, and titmouse and nuthatches, so that was cool.

I’m glad I went. The boy’s getting to the age where these opportunities are less frequent, even if he isn’t embarrassed to be seen with me in public, and I need to take advantage of the chances I have.

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8 Responses to Weekday outing

  1. Ashe Elton Parker says:

    Sounds like a fun and educational outing (re the other birds the ranger identified). And yay for opportunities for spending time with your son!

  2. Jean says:

    Sounds like a winning opportunity all the way around. Good thinking for the brace and cane. They do help.

    • Erin says:

      Last week, I was using both regularly. This week, I’ve only needed the cane a couple of times (Wednesday being one, and Sunday at the girl’s soccer game the other). May abandon the brace this weekend.

      My ankle’s been bothering me since I ran for the school bus with the girl (twice!) a couple weeks ago, so I’ve been trying to be gentle with it.

  3. Kathleen Hammond says:

    Did you take any photos? I’m glad you enjoyed yourself. Hope the son did too. Oh, photos of the birds, I mean. It sounds like it was interesting.

    • Erin says:

      I didn’t get any photos of the birds at the state park. However, yesterday one of the neighborhood red-tailed hawks posed at the top of our blue spruce for me. It’s not as close as I got with that picture on the grass, but it’s still a decent shot.

      And yes, the boy said he enjoyed it, too.

  4. Margaret says:

    Sounds like a lot of fun, and I hear you on the taking opportunities when they come.

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