Ways to spend your Tuesday

(Or Wednesday, if you subscribe to the blog by e-mail.) I’m sitting here, waiting for proofreading to arrive. I do have two short stories and a cover letter I’m supposed to be working on, and I’ll get to them, I truly will. Meanwhile, some amusements for you:

Oscar statues, designed to look reminiscent of the actual Best Movie for each year. Read about it here (which doesn’t say much more than I do), or just click through to the large poster.

Del Rey and Spectra are having a Cage Match of characters from books, everyone from Inigo Montoya to Gandalf to the Thing. Check out the bracket, then be sure to vote.

I also watched a TED talk yesterday, Amanda Palmer on the art of asking. Well worth the 13+ minutes to see it.

And, as long as I’ve mentioned one musician, I might as well mention another. I first discovered John Anealio through the I Should Be Writing podcast. You can download a lot of his music for free, although he’s also recently experimenting with letting people pay what they want. Here’s a sample, a song about Felix Baumgartner, who jumped from near-Earth orbit last year.

So what are you doing today besides actual work?

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2 Responses to Ways to spend your Tuesday

  1. I absolutely adore Amanda Palmer. One of the Dresden Dolls songs actually gave me the idea for my last novel… I love it when writers offer up new tidbits of music, and the sample was very cool!

    • Erin says:

      Her voice is amazing. I was originally going to drop one of her more recent videos in this post, but “Do It With a Rockstar” is very much NSFW, and I do try to keep my posts to things I wouldn’t mind my kids seeing.

      Glad you liked the music sample. 🙂

      Thanks for commenting!

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