Watermelon nights

Today’s subject line brought to you by this earworm that a friend gifted me with to cheer me up:

Good day. Finished a freelance job, visited the library, bought a watermelon from a farm stand (as I said, earworm), and managed to track down the particular notebook our son needs for one class. And I wrote 152 words and finished off the current scene.

This week, as I try to catch up loose ends and make sure the kids get off on the right foot for school, my goal is at least 100 words a day. Next week, it can go up again.

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  1. School! That’s an odd little video, BTW. Thankfully, not lodged in my ear. 🙂

    • It is odd, isn’t it? I spent much of the first time watching it thinking about the logistics involved in making it.

      I’m glad you have not been infected with the earworm.

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