Tired brain is slow brain

So … finished the copyedit in the wee hours. Author has confirmed that she can open the files with no problem, and we’ve reconfirmed the timeline.

Other than that, I’ve poked at e-mail and browser tabs, picked up my son after his last final, and cooked dinner. It didn’t even occur to me until late this evening that I could have caught up on American Gods today. *sigh*

Did manage 214 words.

Tomorrow will be hectic, but I might be more alert, so that’ll be fine.

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4 Responses to Tired brain is slow brain

  1. Nicki says:

    I’m glad you managed the words you did! I hope today has been more Alert Brain. {{hugs}}

    • Erin says:


      Alert enough to cope with end-of-school stuff, but still no wording. Wondering how prepared I’m really feeling for the upcoming vacation. *sigh*

      … Also wondering how easy it’s going to be to publish Siren Circle while on said vacation. Crazy year.

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