Time to recharge

I have workaholic tendencies. When I have a job to do and a deadline, I’m perfectly willing to work through the weekends to make sure I beat the deadline. I want to be doing something.

(This is also evidenced by the fact that when watching a movie on DVD or watching my husband or son play on the XBox, I want my hands to be busy doing something — knitting, crocheting, mending, something. That’s not as antisocial, however, as ignoring my family and staring at the computer or a stack of proofs or galleys all weekend long.)

However, I know I actually work better and am in a better mood if I’m not trying to work all the time. So when my friend Nicki arranged a get-together for local WriMos this weekend, I knew I should go, even though it always feels like work to go somewhere.

And I went. And I had a great time and laughed and talked and remembered that I enjoy spending time with people. Oh, and got a fun idea for a NaNo novel — NaNoWriMo fanfic.

Which means that this Monday, I’m grateful for friends, for time to relax, and especially for Nicki, who has done a wonderful job as Municipal Liaison.

What are you grateful for today?

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  1. I know how you feel. I work a LOT. The last two weekends were an exception. Traveled to Virginia and walked around in Central Park. The spring weather makes me want to hang out outside. This week could be good for writing, though, as it’s raining hard.

    • Ooh, those sound like lovely weekend activities for relaxation! Hope you’re getting lots of writing in this week.

  2. Good for you. I forget that I want/need to talk to people, too. It’s always nice to break the routine and recharge.

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