The witching hour

Yep, up too late again. I spent a chunk of the day on SFWA stuff (trying to make sure I have everything ready for the Board meeting at Nebula Conference next week), and then there was taking our daughter to her Brownie sleepover, and my skin itching like mad … with one thing and another, I didn’t get to the writing, really, until after dinner. And then I was only going to do 1k. And then a friend got online and got some more while talking to her. And another friend. And then I was so close to my daily goal anyway, I kept going even though everyone else was being sensible and going to sleep.

Words written today: 2,201
Words written this month: 17,365
Words written 2017: 114,297
Average words/day 2017: 866
Books completed 2017: 1
Pages read today: 0
Books read 2017: 9

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  1. WOO! I’m glad you found the words. 😀 We can get responsible amounts of sleep later. 😉

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