The reward for work done well

Back cover teaser: Ghost Garages, A Boston Technowitch Novel. Pepper Karalis, Boston's only technowitch, doesn't spend a lot of time hanging out with other witches.

Proof copy!

342 words today. Not my best day, nor my worst. Going to be another busy weekend of mixed family time and work, but I’d like to finish the month strong with words. Time for the deck of cards!

Meanwhile, my daughter and I will continue our annual struggle against tree pollen. My son tells me it’s not personal, the state really isn’t trying to kill me, but im not sure I believe him.

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4 Responses to The reward for work done well

  1. Nicki says:

    Good luck against the pollen. I’m sure you’ll come out triumphant.

    (Yay, words! And proof copy!!!)

    • Erin says:

      Thanks. So far, I seem to have persevered against the pollen, but I really think I’d have more brain in the spring if I didn’t have to deal with this.

      And thanks for the yay! 😀

  2. Widdershins says:

    **shudders** … ah yes, the dastardly pollen. Our late arriving Spring has been kind to me so far. If I had my druthers, I’d skip it altogether, but alas the Mother needs her pollen more than I need clear sinuses. 🙂

    • Erin says:

      Our spring came early by a couple weeks. I am envious (just a touch) of those who’ve gotten snow the past couple of days, because that would help me breathe so much easier.

      My daughter impressed me the other day with her ability to take the long view on this. She told me she needs trees because the allergies won’t kill her but not having oxygen would. For me, it’s not an either/or, sadly.

      Yay for your perspective and having a kind spring so far!

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