The rain in May stayed away for the day

It rained yesterday. It rained last night — I woke up a couple of times and heard it on the roof. By the time I got, just after 6, however, sun was pouring through the living room windows, and it promised to be a balmy day. And what I saw of it was nice.

Wrote 2,030 words today. Happy about that. Tomorrow, I’ll get back to the stat block. Tonight, I’m too tired.

Was supposed to finalize back-cover copy for Siren Circle today but did not. Rather unhappy with myself about that.

Anyway, off to bed now.
tea cup

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  1. Loving your reminder cup. I need to keep that in mind more often.

    • Even with my cup, I often fall short. Still, this year is going fairly well.

      And if I can remember where I got it, I’ll let you know.

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