The latest TBR pile

It’s always hard to figure out what I should include when someone asks me what’s in my TBR pile.

I’ve just put a hold request on Tobias Buckell’s Arctic Rising at the library. Ditto The Red Chamber by Pauline Chen (a re-imagining of the classic). I’m also considering picking up Knitting With the Color Guys on my next library visit. Meanwhile, what I have out from the library (but haven’t felt like reading yet) includes Miéville’s Railsea, Green’s Live and Let Drood, and Maberry’s Assassin’s Code. Oh, and I’ve just started Libba Bray’s Beauty Queens (also a library book). Also, I want to pick up another book by Madelyn Alt next time I’m in.

I’ve also got both of Mary Robinette Kowal’s books sitting here, loaned by my mom, so I can reread Shades of Milk and Honey and then read Glamour in Glass.

Then there’s Don’t Fall Asleep by Laura Eno (which I recently won in a giveaway on her blog!), as well as Raven and Wraith. Also by blogging buddies — or people I found through the A to Z blogging challenge: What’s the Worst that Could Happen? and Reunion (What I.F.?) (Nicki and Niina Ivey), Tidal Whispers (Kelly Said), and Breakthrough (Stephen Tremp).

I’ve got a few piled in my bedroom, too (as usual): Bios by Robert Charles Wilson, Dragon Bones and Dragon Blood by Patricia Briggs, Newton’s Wake by Ken MacLeod, and The Lost City of Z by David Grann.

Oh, and then there’s that compilation of romance novellas Valerie Comer blogged about last week, Central Park Rendezvous.

Um, and when I have time, I’d really like to read the Lawrence Block books on writing that I have, as well as John Gardner’s, and Steven Pressfield’s Do the Work and Turning Pro.

The problem, as ever, is deciding what order to read things in and not getting distracted by the next thing to come along (okay, so that last one is the real hard part for me). Also, there tends to be this habit I have of once I start talking about what I’m reading, not actually finishing it, so who knows what I’m actually going to be reading this month?

What about you — what’s currently on your reading shelf?

Today’s post was inspired by the topic “What’s on my to-read list?”– August’s topic in the Merry-Go-Round Blog Tour — an ongoing tour where you, the reader, travel around the world from author’s blog to author’s blog. We have all sorts of writers at all stages in their writing career, so there’s something for everyone to enjoy. The next post in the tour will be on the 4th, by D. M. Bonanno. Be sure to check it out.

If you want to get to know nearly twenty other writers and find out their thoughts on crossing genre lines, check out the Merry-Go-Round Blog Tour. You can find links to all of the posts on the tour by checking out the group site. Read and enjoy!

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  1. My TBR pile is insane. I have a stack of Mary Janice Davidson’s Dead and… books from the library. I have a new Doru Walker I just got – very excited about that one, and I may just push aside The No. 1 Ladies Detective Agency to get that read. And then I also have some Lawrence Block and Chuck Wendig I really, really want to get through. *sigh* So much to read, so little time!

    • Insane . . . yes, that’s a very good way of describing it! 😀

      I have a new Doru Walker I just got – very excited about that one, and I may just push aside The No. 1 Ladies Detective Agency to get that read.

      Aw, shucks!

      I haven’t read any of Mary Janice Davidson’s books. Should I look for them the next time I’m at my library?

      • MJD books are funny, usually lighthearted, and the Dead and… books include vampires, zombies, a witch, and the spawn of the devil as main characters. I love them, and would definitely recommend them. 🙂

        • Oh! I just looked her up at the library, and I recognize those covers. I almost bought a couple of her mermaid titles last year at the Borders in Reno. Yes, I’ll definitely be reading some of her books. Thanks for the recommendation/reminder!

  2. Thanks for the mention! You have enough books there to topple over. 🙂 Of course, so do I. It must be an occupational hazard – so many friends and aquaintances publishing books, as well as all the other ones we want to read!

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