The deep dark turning of the year

No power yet last time we were home. Boy and I flit from place to place, scavenging heat and Wi-Fi. PPL has missed two estimated repair times so far. Schools are still closed, and the boy’s hoping the Governor will waive the 180-day requirement because the first make-up day will be Feb 18, when we head up to Boskone.

Moravian College started classes up again today, and the library is open, so life around the valley is starting to approximate normalcy. I even filled up my gas tank at $3.49/gallon today.

On the downside, my proofreading gig got reassigned because I can’t FTP files back.

This weekend should be good, though — NaNo write-in at the library, boy has a couple of Scout events, and the city parade (which was supposed to be last weekend) is on Sunday. Oh, and I’m posting episodes of this year’s NaNo as I have time and access (only one so far); look for the tab in the header marked NaNoWriMo 2012.

Hope you’re all having a good week and have good plans for the weekend!

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4 Responses to The deep dark turning of the year

  1. Widdershins says:

    I’m thinking a whole lotta people’s priorities have been reorganised of late!

    … glad to hear that your time travel adventure is now complete!

  2. Laura Eno says:

    What an awful mess! Glad it’s returning to normal.

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