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- Header image courtesy of Smashing Magazine. Designed by Ratko Horvat (e-mail), Zabok, Croatia.
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- Header image courtesy of Smashing Magazine. Designed by Ratko Horvat (e-mail), Zabok, Croatia.
Tag Archives: yard
More loose ends
Although I did write yesterday, I got to it so late, I didn’t bother posting. For the record, I got 101 words yesterday and 160 today. So many things to juggle — SFWA work on the OPPM, invoicing for copyediting, … Continue reading
In our yard. Which is not fantastic, but not exactly surprising, either. And gives an indication of just how much rain we’ve been getting. Anyway, not a lot on the new word front today, and what there was, I didn’t … Continue reading
Rainy Mondays
Every now and then, I think I should water the yard. I worry about my blueberry plants (now with a dozen berries!) or the petunia that my daughter’s class gave me. And then, this being Pennsylvania, it pours. We’ve been … Continue reading
Doe a deer
This weekend, I saw two deer nibbling at the apples still on the tree. I don’t know where the rest of the herd is, but at least a couple of them are around and doing fine. (I’m guessing it’s just … Continue reading
Apples and trees
Today’s post is both a bit of gratitude, and a bit of “What’s actually going on?” I’ve posted pictures before of the apple tree in back, weighted down with apple blossoms. We’ve picked apples from it once or twice, but … Continue reading
Kid tested, wildlife approved
Unlike most (all?) of our neighbors, we don’t use herbicides. Thus, our back lawn has plenty of clover, buttercups, wild strawberries, violets (though they’re past their bloom now), purslane, and I’m not sure what else. Looks mostly green when I … Continue reading