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- Header image courtesy of Smashing Magazine. Designed by Ratko Horvat (e-mail), Zabok, Croatia.
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- Header image courtesy of Smashing Magazine. Designed by Ratko Horvat (e-mail), Zabok, Croatia.
Tag Archives: photos
The week (so far) in books
The spiral-bound one on top is The Sorcerer Heir by Cinda Williams Chima (due out in October). This photo doesn’t include the ones I have from the library (such as The Rhesus Chart by Charles Stross) or the ones I’ve … Continue reading
The Freshwater Fishmen of Tucumcari, New Mexico
Today, I’m happy to welcome Tex Thompson, whose book One Night in Sixes comes out next week. The thing is, I grew up in Texas. Or as it’s colloquially known, “miles and miles… of miles and miles.” In the eastern … Continue reading
Kid tested, wildlife approved
Unlike most (all?) of our neighbors, we don’t use herbicides. Thus, our back lawn has plenty of clover, buttercups, wild strawberries, violets (though they’re past their bloom now), purslane, and I’m not sure what else. Looks mostly green when I … Continue reading
Happy Fourth!
For those who are in the U.S., I hope you had a good (and safe) holiday. For those elsewhere, I hope you had a good Friday. Friday flash will rerun next week. Meanwhile, some fireworks:
Crazy week
Last week, the ongoing copyediting gig was slow (no articles at all that I could grab), the indexing gig had no news, and the proofreading gig would arrive at the earliest on Friday. I got some writing in, but perhaps … Continue reading
Gallery of the birds
As promised, the gallery of photos from egg to young bird, able to fly. Enjoy.
They keep getting cuter
The baby birds now have their eyes open and are starting to overflow the nest.
Latest hatchling pic
You can really see details of the wings developing.
Singing for his supper
The eggs have hatched! And no, the chicks aren’t actually making any noise yet, but every time something disturbs the nest, one or more will open their beaks, waiting for food. I imagine they’ll actually be fuzzy and cuter next … Continue reading
Look what we found!
This weekend, my husband was trimming the dead parts off the holly bush, and he discovered a bird’s nest with eggs. Also this weekend, my friend Bonnie visited and we went to a nearby park, where I took several photos. … Continue reading