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- Header image courtesy of Smashing Magazine. Designed by Ratko Horvat (e-mail), Zabok, Croatia.
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- Header image courtesy of Smashing Magazine. Designed by Ratko Horvat (e-mail), Zabok, Croatia.
Tag Archives: No Excuses
short, long, and other fictions
I apologize for the general lack of bloggery last month. I probably should have mentioned that I was doing NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month, writing of 50,000 words during the month of November), as I have done every year since … Continue reading
Running into autumn
Yesterday was the half-marathon I’d planned to run in this year. (The main event is a marathon, but they also have the half-marathon and a 5k.) I knew earlier this year that I wasn’t going to be able to do … Continue reading
What are you so afraid of?
Before I get into the meat of this post, just a quick note about the Merry-Go-Round Blog Tour. It begins Friday, July 1, at Alex’s blog. I’ll be blogging on the second of each month, so look for my post … Continue reading
P is for perseverance
Otherwise known as, why quit when you’re behind? No, really. If you haven’t reached your goal yet, and you quit, you’ll never reach it. Perseverance is the art of creating a goal and focusing on it — either on the … Continue reading
N is also for No Excuses
You didn’t think I’d forget my mantra, did you? What am I not making excuses for now? Running — I’m two-thirds of the way through the Couch-to-5k running plan, and I’m contemplating entering a 5k race on May 7. Paperwork … Continue reading
Posted in family, Personal, writing
Tagged A to Z Challenge, blog series, exercise, No Excuses
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Running on empty
Empty of excuses, anyway. Those of you who don’t follow me on Facebook (Hi, Mom!) may not know that I’ve started a running program, the Couch-to-5k. This is a nine-week program designed to take people from being couch potatoes to … Continue reading
No such thing as a healthy excuse
Today, I had a physical — just a normal, general physical, the kind I should get on a regular basis. Should being the operative word there. The last time I had blood work done was when I was pregnant with … Continue reading
Winter weather gives me an excuse
Lovely day to wake up to. Unlike a lot of my friends farther east and north, I saw the sun shining when I got up this morning — much to the dismay of my son, who really wanted another snow … Continue reading
Any excuse . . .
No excuses. That’s my motto for 2011. No excuses for frittering away time I could be writing, playing on the Web. No excuses for giving up on exercise. No excuses for not spending time with my family. No excuses for … Continue reading