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- Header image courtesy of Smashing Magazine. Designed by Ratko Horvat (e-mail), Zabok, Croatia.
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- Header image courtesy of Smashing Magazine. Designed by Ratko Horvat (e-mail), Zabok, Croatia.
Tag Archives: genres
On reading and authors and genres
To try to spur my reading this year, I signed up for the GoodReads reading challenge, setting my goal at the fairly doable one book a week level. Fifty-two books in a year? No problem. Now, I have some rules … Continue reading
What I read, what I write
I used to flatter myself that I read widely, but as I’ve come more and more to realize just how very many books are out there, I’ve realized it’s just not so. I read scattered bits of different genres or … Continue reading
Defining the genres: Space opera
When I ran my genre poll a couple of weeks back, I got a request to address space opera. As this is easier than the other subgenres requested (splatterpunk, wuxia, and bizarro), I’m starting here. Oddly enough, I was recently … Continue reading
Genre poll
Well, not precisely. A poll implies I’m offering choices. Instead, I’m giving you a “short answer” question. (Or maybe an essay question? No, not necessary, really.) What genres or subgenres would you like to learn more about? Could be anything … Continue reading
Defining the genres: Shades of paranormal
I primarily talk about 3 different types of paranormal fiction: paranormal mystery, paranormal romance, and just plain paranormal.
Defining the genres: high, low, and epic fantasy
I promised to get back to these posts, and I had a specific request for the differences among high fantasy, epic fantasy, and low fantasy. When I talked about fantasy, I discussed the various tropes and methods that can be … Continue reading
Defining the genres: Urban fantasy
(If you’re here for the A to Z blog challenge, scroll down for today’s post. This post is one in an on-going series on genres.) I touched on this when I discussed fantasy a few weeks back. I gave some … Continue reading
Defining the genres: Mystery
I did have one request for a definition of cozy mysteries, so I’m going into mystery subgenres today. Next month, I’ll probably focus more specifically on the fantasy subgenres.
Defining the genres: the edges of science-fiction and fantasy
I meant to write and post this yesterday. I didn’t get to it because I was finishing up a work deadline — updating an index I’d worked on a few years ago. I was really happy to get the index … Continue reading