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Tag Archives: gardening
Flowers for summer
Last week, I didn’t plan on getting much work done, what with it being the last week of school for the kids. Sure enough, I did lunch with my daughter’s class, plus the annual outing with the kids for ice … Continue reading
Apples and trees
Today’s post is both a bit of gratitude, and a bit of “What’s actually going on?” I’ve posted pictures before of the apple tree in back, weighted down with apple blossoms. We’ve picked apples from it once or twice, but … Continue reading
The state of the pumpkin
Although there are ears on the corn plants, the kernels are all underdeveloped. The lettuce has been out there so long that even what’s not flowering is slightly bitter (rather pretty, though). The pumpkin, though — this is my success … Continue reading
The garden is growing!
I had to go out and pull one of the cabbage-mustard-lettuce things from the garden because it had bolted (as in, was taller than my daughter), but I’m pleased with how everything else is doing. I plucked red leaf lettuce … Continue reading
Garden pics
Here are the pictures I promised yesterday. First, the blueberry plants on our deck. They look to be establishing themselves well. We won’t get any berries this year, of course, but next year should be delightful. The straw bales with … Continue reading
Little by little
So I’m trying this straw bale gardening this year. It’s kind of like using raised beds without having to make them. You have to prep the bales with fertilizer to make them start breaking down, to make them a good … Continue reading
So much to be grateful for today. It’s warm at last — today’s about 70. Lovely. The seeds my daughter and I planted are coming right along. Some of them look like they’re ready to go outside (peas and beans, … Continue reading
The hope of growing things
Bit late in the spring, perhaps, but this weekend my daughter and I started seeds in seed trays — vegetables, flowers, a couple of herbs. Figure we’ll get them transplanted the first or second week of May (assuming they haven’t … Continue reading
Autumn foliage is very confused
Crape myrtles bloom much later here than elsewhere — ours are just coming into their own now. (Photos after cut)
mid-August in the yard
Remember that apple tree full of gorgeous blossoms, the branches bending down under their weight? Yeah, sadly, the fruit’s not nearly as impressive. Fewer apples than we had last year, even, and the ones I have any hope of reaching … Continue reading