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Tag Archives: flash
Friday flash: Auburn Jones and the Reaper’s Urn
Auburn Jones and the Reaper’s Urn The urn sat on the mantle, dusty blue with gold and cream accents — and one amorphous purplish blemish that Auburn Jones was rubbing at with a glower on her face. It wasn’t fair … Continue reading
Friday flash: Masks
The Sundark Festival was in full swing, with smoky scents, voices raised in laughter, and music from different instruments clashing in the streets. Irena paused and stepped, weaving her way through the crowd in the not-dance that everyone employed. A … Continue reading
Friday flash: Of Bugs and Family
Of Bugs and Family “Hey, toss me my phone, would you?” Danny caught it in one hand without looking up from his work on the table. Sherry needed to know what he’d found — before he made his report to … Continue reading
Friday Flash: Fairytale Household Improvement Service
Fairytale Household Improvement Service You’ve had those months where the housework just isn’t getting done, the mildew has formed a group consciousness and is threatening to secede from the house if you don’t do something with the paper monster in … Continue reading
Friday flash: Something Blue
Something Blue Cherry blossom petals, drifting on the breeze, caught in Angelica’s hair. She grinned but did not falter in her notes, singing the change of seasons as Drake had taught her. With the orchard full of pink blooms and … Continue reading
Friday flash: Foxglove
Foxglove Lavender foxglove with deep violet throats grew along the walkway to the witch’s house. Abby considered picking a few, just to see what the witch would do, but decided it wasn’t worth the risk. Bad enough that she had … Continue reading
Friday flash: Gruel
Gruel Martha stirred the thin gruel that simmered on top of the camp stove, wishing that Jack had brought the groceries so it would be a heartier meal. Some of the gruel had, improbably, stuck to the bottom, and she … Continue reading
Spring comes
Inside the tower, Drake huddled near the coal fire, curled to conserve its warmth. Goose call and robin song had been on the wind for the past week, but it was still too chilly for him. His wings would crack … Continue reading
Friday flash: Autumn leaves
Autumn Leaves Leaves crunched underfoot as Angelica slipped under the trees. Father didn’t like her passing beyond the grass, but it wasn’t as if she’d gone out of sight — she could still see the castle quite clearly. And even … Continue reading
Friday flash: The Orichalcum Bride
The Orichalcum Bride Elpis tossed the scroll upon the floor next to her brother Theron. “A treaty? A marriage to Kallistrate, daughter of our enemy?” “Her dowry is the last orichalcum mine of Atlantis. Do you know what we can … Continue reading