- Header image courtesy of Smashing Magazine. Designed by Ratko Horvat (e-mail), Zabok, Croatia.
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- Header image courtesy of Smashing Magazine. Designed by Ratko Horvat (e-mail), Zabok, Croatia.
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- Header image courtesy of Smashing Magazine. Designed by Ratko Horvat (e-mail), Zabok, Croatia.
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- Header image courtesy of Smashing Magazine. Designed by Ratko Horvat (e-mail), Zabok, Croatia.
Tag Archives: family
Inktober begins
My feelings about today are complicated. Dad would’ve been 89 today. And I’ve been under the weather all weekend, so my energy was low — as in, I made it to the grocery store this morning, then napped all afternoon … Continue reading
It’s summertime and the ice cream is easy
One of my earlier memories is when my dad first got his ice cream maker — a huge (it seemed to me) wooden thing that ice and salt went in the outer ring of while the electric motor churned ingredients … Continue reading
You ask, I answer, part four
Nicki asked, “What book would you insist your children not leave for college without?” Mine! . . . Sort of. I’m working on putting together over time a basic cookbook with their favorites, including shopping lists, estimated costs, about how … Continue reading
A busy April day
How’d we get more than two-thirds of the way through April already? Outside, it still looks like late March — forsythia and weeping cherries, magnolia blooms drifting in the wind, but not even a hint of an azalea blooming yet … Continue reading
Slight delay . . .
FYI: Still plan to have the cozy mystery finished by the 15th. The e-book may be available by then. The print version will probably be another week or so behind. Recent comments I’ve made on Twitter or Facebook, which is … Continue reading
A picanic basket
Okay, not a basket, per se, at least today; I’m spending the day with my son’s class for their end-of-year picnic — swimming, games, food, and good times with familiar faces.
In the balance
Balance — a topic near and dear not just to every writer’s heart, or anyone who has a day job and a creative pursuit, or any person with a family and a job and interests of her own — well, … Continue reading
Happy Memorial Day
This Memorial Day, I have a lot to be grateful for: my mom, time with my family, those who’ve served our country whether or not they died in her service (including my dad, my older brother, my dad’s brothers, my … Continue reading
Time to recharge
I have workaholic tendencies. When I have a job to do and a deadline, I’m perfectly willing to work through the weekends to make sure I beat the deadline. I want to be doing something. (This is also evidenced by … Continue reading
Time with my kids
(If you’re here for the A to Z Challenge, scroll down for today’s post. This is my regular Monday post about things I’m grateful for.) This year, I ran across some very clever Easter egg ideas online. I showed a … Continue reading