Clarkesworld Magazine has released its Year Five anthology. It’s currently only available as an e-book, but trade paper will be available later this month. (Buy links are all on the linked page.)
This anthology includes my story “Matchmaker.”
Clarkesworld Magazine has released its Year Five anthology. It’s currently only available as an e-book, but trade paper will be available later this month. (Buy links are all on the linked page.)
This anthology includes my story “Matchmaker.”
Happy April, everyone! Although I’ve enjoyed some of the lovely pranks I’ve seen around the Net, there are none here.
I made the last-minute decision to join the A to Z Challenge for blogging this month. I started this blog posting 3-4 times a week. Now, I’m down to 2-3 times, and some weeks, I don’t even manage that. So this is an effort to get myself used to posting more regularly.
And my big news — I sold my story “Matchmaker” to Clarkesworld Magazine, and it’s up now as part of their April issue. This is my first sale to a SFWA-qualifying market, and it makes me eligible to join SFWA as an Associate member. (I need 3 short-story sales or 1 novel sale to qualify as an Active member. This fall, when Daily Science Fiction will most likely get SFWA-qualifying status, I’ll be up to 2 stories. With any luck — and lots of persistence — I might get the third one before then.) However, I’m waiting until July to join because that’s when their fiscal year flips, and I’d really rather pay dues only once this year.
What’s new with you this month?