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- Header image courtesy of Smashing Magazine. Designed by Ratko Horvat (e-mail), Zabok, Croatia.
Tag Archives: Alma Alexander
Review of Random by Alma Alexander
Random is a story about Jazz Marsh, youngest child of a Random Were family. Unlike other Weres, a Random can change into different animals, but otherwise they are like other Weres — locked into a form for their Turns, all … Continue reading
Guest post from Alma Alexander
If you read the previous blog post, you saw my review of 2012: Midnight at Spanish Gardens. To follow that up, here’s a guest post from the author, Alma Alexander, about her writing of it.
Midnight at Spanish Gardens
This is one of two reviews I’ll be posting this week. I mentioned this book last month, as well as the author, Alma Alexander. If you’ve never read anything by her before, do yourself a favor and do so. I … Continue reading