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- Header image courtesy of Smashing Magazine. Designed by Ratko Horvat (e-mail), Zabok, Croatia.
Tag Archives: A to Z series 2
Phillips, Pierce, Priest
Keeping with the theme of short works, today I present one children’s book (Middle grade? The term wasn’t in use when the book came out.) and two short stories, the work of Holly Phillips, Tamora Pierce, and Cherie Priest. If … Continue reading
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Tagged A to Z series 2, Cherie Priest, Holly Phillips, Tamora Pierce, women in SF/F
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Okorafor, Ore, Ozeki
Today’s post includes Nnedi Okorafor, Rebecca Ore, and Ruth Ozeki. As mentioned in my overview post last week, more short stories. In fact, all three of today’s reviews are of short stories. If the work of any of the authors … Continue reading
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Tagged A to Z series 2, Nnedi Okorafor, Rebecca Ore, Ruth Ozeki, women in SF/F
Nimmo, Norton, Novik
Today’s women writers of science fiction and fantasy are Jenny Nimmo, Andre Norton, and Naomi Novik. If any of their work sounds interesting to you, please do check them out — and if you have enjoyed something by them that … Continue reading
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Tagged A to Z series 2, Andre Norton, Jenny Nimmo, Naomi Novik, women in SF/F
A to M, a retrospective
First half of the alphabet done, and I’ve got a couple of things I’d do differently if I do another such series. Things I might do differently going forward into the second half of the alphabet, for that matter. Starting … Continue reading
McKillip, McKinley, Moon
This week’s set of authors (Patricia McKillip, Robin McKinley, and Elizabeth Moon) is a group of old favorites. Growing up, I think I checked out all the books in the Riddle Master trilogy often enough that the library considered purchasing … Continue reading
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Tagged A to Z series 2, Elizabeth Moon, Patricia McKillip, Robin McKinley, women in SF/F
Larbalestier, Lessing, Link
Today’s helping of women writers of science fiction and fantasy includes Justine Larbalestier, Doris Lessing, and Kelly Link. If any of their work sounds interesting to you, please do check them out — and if you have enjoyed something by … Continue reading
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Tagged A to Z series 2, Doris Lessing, Justine Larbalestier, Kelly Link, women in SF/F
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Kenyon, Kiernan, Kress
Today, I’m talking about books by Kay Kenyon, Nancy Kress, and Caitlín R. Kiernan: two science-fiction works and one not-quite-ghost-story. If anything sounds good to you, be sure to check out the book and other work by that author — … Continue reading
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Tagged A to Z series 2, Caitlin R. Kiernan, Kay Kenyon, Nancy Kress, women in SF/F
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Jemisin, Jones, Jones
Today’s review of women writers of science fiction and fantasy includes N.K. Jemisin, Diana Wynne Jones, and Gwyneth Jones. If any of their work sounds interesting to you, please do check them out — and if you have enjoyed something … Continue reading
Posted in reading
Tagged A to Z series 2, Diana Wynne Jones, Gwyneth Jones, N.K. Jemisin, women in SF/F
Ian, Ibbotson, Ingalls
Putting together today’s post was a bit of a challenge; there just aren’t that many I authors out there, and when you limit it to women authors of speculative fiction, the number dwindles further. (Yes, I am aware that Q … Continue reading
Posted in reading
Tagged A to Z series 2, Eva Ibbotson, Janis Ian, Rachel Ingalls, women in SF/F
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