Surprise gaming!

We had no real plans for the day — Memorial Day doesn’t always go well — but our friends e-mailed to say they had a new game, and did we want to come play? Of course we did!

The game is called Bang!, and it’s a spaghetti Western card game. We played twice, and I was an outlaw both times. In the second game, I was the last person the sheriff took out. Lots of fun.

Other than that, I made a pass at cover copy for Siren Circle, and I wrote 166 words.

Also took a picture of the current physical TBR pile, many of which I got at the Nebula Conference. (Not pictured is Todd Lockwood’s Summer Dragon, which the boy is reading.)

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  1. mmm…books. <3 Also, glad you had a lovely Monday.

    • Thanks! Fretting a little this morning about how much there is to do this week, but it was definitely a good start. 🙂

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