Spring is in bloom

I love spring, and April is lovely here in PA. (By the way, that’s how they talk here — they don’t say the name of the state. They say “P-A.” I must be going native.) The pollen utterly kills my allergies, of course, but on a day like this, where the rain has temporarily washed it all from the sky, I can enjoy the flowers. (And be very grateful for the rain!) And while it’s still gray, the forsythia in particular is very striking!

Lots of people around here have forsythia hedges. We didn’t know that they were forsythia when we were house-hunting; it was summer, and everything was green.

Hedge down the street

Hedge down the street

More forsythia!

More forsythia!

And then there are all the cherry trees — weeping cherries and ornamental cherries.

Cherry buds getting ready to bloom

Cherry buds getting ready to bloom

Lines of cherry trees the next block over

Lines of cherry trees the next block over

Closer to home, I have hyacinths blooming, which I share for Mom.

Hyacinths by the mailbox

Hyacinths by the mailbox

Hyacinths and daffodils, where the croci bloomed last week

Hyacinths and daffodils, where the croci bloomed last week

And the hellebores have finally broken through and moved upright so you can see the flowers.

hellebore 1

hellebore 2

hellebore 3

What’s blooming in your yard right now? What are you grateful for?

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8 Responses to Spring is in bloom

  1. The apple, pear, peach and nectarine blossoms are gone. Daffodils are dried up. But, the roses are just beginning to appear. That’s what’s blooming. Picked a bunch, pretty much eliminating any on the bushes, for a bouquet in the house. The previous homeowner planted them. They look good but not a one has any scent. I would have chosen scent over looks, but that’s just me.

    • Erin says:

      Yes, I love old-fashioned roses with a heady scent. They are more prone to black spot and various fungal problems, but that’s probably not as big a problem for you.

  2. Kathleen Hammond says:

    Thank you for the slideshow! I think I’ll skip what’s blooming in my yard right now. The usual suspects, of course.

    Mmm. Roses inside with no scent, but beautiful blooms? No sneezing! Sounds good to me. Some varieties can be very over-powering.

    I love Spring!!

    • Erin says:

      I understand the desire not to sneeze!

      Even the pollens I can’t smell (lots of the trees around here) make me sneeze, and the hyacinth I bought at the store (the girl wanted it) had me sneezing every time I walked into the kitchen. Maybe I need to experiment with a different allergy medicine?

      • Kathleen Hammond says:

        But, they are so very fragrant. I love them dearly, but they make me sneeze, too. Yah to the girl for such great taste in flowers!

  3. Margaret says:

    Beautiful pictures. I have no idea what’s growing in the garden. That’s my husband’s territory. Well, I know there are a lot of tomatoes :). Actually, I think we have daffodils up already and the lilac bushes are blooming. Yes, a lot of pollen, but they’re pretty. We got some rain too, so I’m sure there’s more I can’t think of right now.

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