This morning, I followed the usual routine — get up, make kids’ lunches, get them off to school. Then I made sure I was ready, and about 10, I set off on the drive. Took longer than Google expected, possibly because I took more pit stops, there was construction, and there was at least one accident. Eventually, though, I got to Pittsburgh.
The Nebula Conference is one of those marvelous conferences that gives out a bag of swag, mostly books. So my first activity upon arriving was to spend around 3 hours assembling bags of books. (Before my arrival, they’d already spent 2 hours getting all these books unpacked and set up like this!
I’ve already met wonderful people whom I’d only known online before (including Dawn Bonanno! We’ve been friends online for like fifteen years!), and had a good dinner. Came back to the room, unwound a bit, wrote 219 words, and now I’m ready to sleep.
Wow, that’s a lot of books! Congrats on the safe drive to the con. Have fun!
Each bag has 2 hardbacks, 7–9 trade paperbacks, 1 mass market paperback (until we ran out of those, near the end), some assortment of magazines and comics, and a bunch of swag (postcards, bookmarks, a door hanger, etc.)
*GASP* boooooks….
Glad you made it there safely, I hope you have lots and lots of fun, and I look forward to hearing all about it! 😀
Thanks! I’ll post pics here, maybe on Twitter and FB. Today, though, is Board meeting, so not a lot of excitement. 😉
Glad you made it there safely. Have fun.
Thanks, Connie!
That is some serious bookage! 😀
It is! And so very many I want to read! 😀