If you’ve visited my website recently, or if you subscribe to my newsletter (and if you don’t, why not?), you’ve already seen the new cover I got for Bodyguard of Lies. Isn’t it beautiful?
So this week, among other things, I’m grateful for professional cover artists. What are you grateful for today?
I love the new cover!
Thank you! Sooooo much better than the one I made!
Soooo pretty. <3
Thank you! I almost feel guilty for getting it on sale. Almost.
Very eye catching!
Thanks! That’s the hope. I’m planning to stick with the same color palette (and quite likely, the same designers) for the rest of the trilogy.
Shiny indeed! 😀
😀 It makes me wonder why I tried to make my own to begin with!
That hits the nail on the head. Kudos!
Thanks so much, Connie!