S is for submission opportunities

Speaking of opportunities, here are some currently open anthologies (paying pro rates) to look at:

Bloody Fabulous, edited by Ekaterina Sedia. Prime Books. Urban fantasy, focused on fashion. 1,000-7,500 words preferred; December 1st deadline. Pay is 5 cents per word. For more on what she doesn’t want, see this.

Fantastic Stories of the Imagination, edited by Warren Lapine. Wilder Publications. No word length restrictions, but he does discourage shorter stories. No theme, no specific requests for genre, other than it be genre — “the entire science fiction, fantasy, and horror spectrum.” Closed when filled. Pay is 10 cents per word to a max of $250.

Sword & Sorceress 26, edited by Elisabeth Waters. Norilana Books. Fantasy with strong female characters. Just opened to submissions last Saturday. Up to 9,000 words; May 13 deadline. Pay is 5 cents per word as advance against royalties. Pay attention to the formatting requirements.

Not a pro-paying market, but also worth looking at:

Warrior Wisewoman 4, edited by Roby James. Norilana Books. Science fiction featuring strong women characters. Up to 10,00 words; July 31 deadline. Pay is 2 cents per word.

Good luck to anyone submitting stories, and as always, thanks for stopping by and reading!

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8 Responses to S is for submission opportunities

  1. Thanks for the reminders. Several of those were on my to think about list :).

    • Erin says:

      Any time. I’m going to guess you didn’t really need reminders for Sword & Sorceress or Warrior Wisewoman. 😉

  2. Elizabeth says:

    Thanks. I’d missed that S&S was open now. I wonder if I have anything to send them.

  3. Genevieve says:

    The editor’s name for Bloody Fabulous should be “Ekaterina Sedia,” but definitely looking forward to this antho!

  4. I have a story for Fantastic Stories of the Imagination one I think. Off to check it out.

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