Q & A on me

Join me today for a round of questions on what I’m up to — some tongue in cheek, some less so.

Q. What’s the silliest question you’ve ever been asked? And your answer?

A. My son asked me what superpower I wouldn’t want. I said Matter Eater Lad’s. Honestly, unless you’ve got a metabolism like Flash’s and you need almost constant sustenance, what’s the point in being able to eat whatever is handy?

Q. If you could change the world, what would you do?

A. I’m never going to change the world in a big way; that’s not my vision. What I would like to do with my writing is help people see hope — hope in their lives, hope for humanity, hope for the future.

Q. Milk chocolate or dark?

A. Is there some reason I can’t have both?

Q. Is chocolate your secret vice, then?

A. Nothing secret about it! My guilty, non-chocolate pleasures, though, I don’t talk about as much: candy corn and mellowcreme pumpkins at Halloween and conversation hearts for Valentine’s Day.

Q. What can you say about your most recent project?

A. I’m finally getting off my tuchis to shape up Touching Time — fleshing out a couple of subplots, making the boyfriend have a bigger role (which both Bonnie and Ed had previously recommended), getting words every day. Next, I’ll be — at long last — polishing Daniel’s story and getting it up for sale. After that? The next new one will be a middle grade horror series I’ve been outlining and planning for the better part of the year, but I’ve also a number of works in progress that I’d like to devote December, January, and February to completing.

Q. Is that your NaNoWriMo project for the year?

A. I’m a NaNo Rebel this year — don’t know if I’ll validate at the end of the month. Too stressful. Too burned out after the last couple of years — last year’s winter-long bout with the bronchitis didn’t really help. So though the timing overlaps, it’s not really a NaNo project — although I’ll be using write-ins, word wars, and other forms of support that come with NaNo.

Q. What’s your latest adventure?

A. Living without power! The big storm that came through the Northeast on Saturday knocked out our neighborhood; the latest word is we might get power back Thursday night. Meanwhile, no landline (cordless phones), no Internet, and no hot tea except for what my husband brings me when he runs out to grab breakfast. We’ve been going to bed at 9 because even with lanterns and candles, it’s too dark to do anything else. Adventures are more fun to write about than to have!

Today’s post was inspired by the topic “Self Interview”– November’s topic in the Merry-Go-Round Blog Tour — an ongoing tour where you, the reader, travel around the world from author’s blog to author’s blog. We have all sorts of writers at all stages in their writing career, so there’s something for everyone to enjoy. The next post in the tour will be on the 4th, by D. M. Bonanno. Be sure to check it out.

If you want to get to know nearly twenty other writers and find out their thoughts on crossing genre lines, check out the Merry-Go-Round Blog Tour. You can find links to all of the posts on the tour by checking out the group site. Read and enjoy!

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  1. I found your blog via your daily science fiction story, “Time To Go”. I really enjoyed it and look forward to more of your work.

  2. Hey, came in through the DSF portal. Sci-fi, end-of-life, and a touch of dark (humor? you never know how people will take these things) in under 100 words, nice. Ex-Washoe Valley 🙂

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