What I’m working on now

The last few years have led to a lot of changes, from one child heading off to college, to the pandemic, to my husband taking another job and the family moving to another state. Cleaning and packing a home we’d lived in for almost two decades was exhausting, which is one reason I hadn’t updated this page yet.

So now that I’m here in Minnesota, what am I working on now?

Being a loving and supportive wife and partner to my husband of more than 25 years.
Being an awesome mom to my amazing kids (currently in high school and about to graduate from college).

Trying to reconnect with a sense of fun and play in my writing.
Things I’m writing this year: some flash fiction, some new poetry forms, a novella.

Actively seeking a full-time job outside the home that uses my strengths.

Getting ready to rotate off SFWA’s Board of Directors again.

Hobbies and crafts:
Using up some random yarn to knit lace scarves.

Walking more regularly, especially exploring some of the trails and parks near the Mississippi River.

Last updated: May 2024

Inspiration: I first learned about /now pages from Austin Kleon, who got the idea from Derek Sivers. If you want to see what hundreds of other people are focusing on in their lives right now, check out nownownow.com.