Not a good shot

score cards from laser tag

In addition to lots of copyediting, I played laser tag today. Our friends had a birthday party for their son, and they wanted it to be for families. Rather amusing — our son, our daughter, and I wound up on the blue team, and my husband was on the red. Our daughter was quite indignant about the fact that her dad shot her.

On the blue team, our son was the high scorer two out of the three games. On the red team, my husband was. Me? Well, I scored better than our daughter and her best friend.

But it was a lot of fun. We all enjoyed it, which was the point.

Oh, and I managed to squeeze out 481 words at some point here. We’ll say they were Sunday words.

Now to go grab a few hours sleep before getting kids off to school and starting the last round on this manuscript!

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