Noisy neighbors 

This morning, I heard quite the fuss outside and had to go out to tell them to quiet down. But then what can you expect from the local murder?

crows in tree and on the wing
more crows in trees

I got a slow start on NaNoWriMo, but I caught up today — today’s count was 3,744, putting me at 5,262 for the month. Yay for being back on track!

Part of what helped (though not all of it) was checking out — a gamified site where you defeat monsters and gain loot by writing a certain number of words in a given time frame. If I’m still enjoying the site at the end of the month, I might subscribe — $4/month isn’t an unreasonable price. One more tool in the productivity quiver!

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2 Responses to Noisy neighbors 

  1. Widdershins says:

    They always look a bit ominous when they gather like that, don’t they? 🙂

    • Erin says:

      A bit. On the other hand, I have one friend who feeds her local crows, and I’ve considered doing so myself.

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