Nineteen and counting

Nineteen years ago today, I walked around with a huge smile on my face (Well, it was more of floating around, really), telling everyone who would listen that I had met the most wonderful man the night before at the Halloween party.

Today, I woke up next to him, and I still think he’s the most wonderful man in the world.

The night we met.

The night we met.

What are you grateful for today?

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8 Responses to Nineteen and counting

  1. Widdershins says:

    Happy First-time-you-met-O-versary! 😀

  2. So happy for you. Congratulations.

  3. Ashe Elton Parker says:

    Congratulations! Happy first-met-anniversary!

  4. Margaret says:

    Aww, that’s sweet. And you look so happy in the photo too :).

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