New month, new journal

When my daughter and husband went shopping for my birthday present two months ago, my daughter wanted to get me two journals. She was told just one, so she said she hoped Santa would bring me the other one for Christmas. Amazingly, he did.

journal with lovely cover art

The end papers are purple with a feather pattern, and the pages are lined — and the whole thing is so lovely, I’ve been reluctant to write in it, making my usual mess of the pages. This would be why most of my journals are simply college notebooks. However, that’s silly! My daughter wanted me to have the journal to use, after all.

So I’ve decided that I’ll use it for planning this new series I have in mind, steampunk with romance and adventure and every fantastic thing I can think of. (Current plan is to set the opening scene in Piper’s Opera House in Virginia City.) Character notes, settings, maps, cool things from other books that I want to riff on — all of it will go in here.

Which means today I am grateful for a thoughtful child, for beautiful tools to work with, and for the excitement that comes at the outset of a new project. What are you grateful for today?

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14 Responses to New month, new journal

  1. Widdershins says:

    Heavens to Murgatroid! That’s gorgeous. Very shaman-y. 🙂

    • Erin says:

      Indeed! 😀 I keep noticing new little details, like her winged ears and the little sprite in the folds of cloth!

  2. Jean says:

    You are blessed to have a thoughtful child! It’s beautiful.

  3. Margaret says:

    That’s a gorgeous journal and you’re wise to actually use it. I have a bunch that I’ve never had the guts to touch and then they get lost in moves because they have nothing precious in them.

    • Erin says:


      It’s like “Don’t wait for a special occasion to use your china.” On the other hand, it did take me over a month to open it.

  4. Kathleen Hammond says:

    I see a frog not a sprite. There are dragonflies, you see. Could just be my eyes, too, but that is what I SEE.

    Love the idea of Piper’s Opera House!

    • Erin says:

      I can see that it looks like a frog — which is probably why I didn’t notice it was a sprite with a face and all until last night. Pointed it out to the girl, who was delighted.

      Thought you’d appreciate that. Will probably even have mention of the Sutro Tunnel!

      • Kathleen Hammond says:

        In My world, it’s a frog.

        A trip through a cemetery, too? They would not have been fenced off at that time. Think they are now, but don’t quote me on that. It has been a few years.

  5. That’s beautiful. I am also reluctant to write in my beautiful journals. Silly, right? But like you, I eventually do write in them.

  6. Ashe Elton Parker says:

    What a fantastic (in more ways than one) journal! And yay for CG being such a thoughtful child.

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