Monday, sweet Monday

To My Mother
by Christina Rossetti

To-day’s your natal day;
Sweet flowers I bring:
Mother, accept, I pray
My offering.

And may you happy live,
And long us bless;
Receiving as you give
Great happiness.

Lily of the valley

Flowers for Mom.

Happy birthday, Mom! Thank you for being you — and for encouraging me to be me.

For the rest of my readers: Tomorrow, I’ll have a post about Laura Eno‘s new book, Jewel of Shaylar, which launches today. Later this week, I may have some more spring pictures, and I’ll be back to flash on Friday.

Laura is one of three book launch posts I’ll have this month; check back on May 21 for Karina Fabian’s latest, and on the 31st to read about Sarah-Jane Lehoux’s Sevy trilogy.

Be sure to check back in early June, too, when I’ll talk about how I did on my short stories for this month.

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9 Responses to Monday, sweet Monday

  1. Laura Eno says:

    What gorgeous little flowers!

    • Erin says:

      Thanks! Lily of the valley. My dad was allergic, so we never had any when I was growing up younger. I have some now, though, and since they’re the birth flower for May, it seemed appropriate.

      • Laura Eno says:

        I’m glad you crossed that out. 😉 Growing up, in any fashion, is an ugly thing to do!

        • Erin says:

          Heh. My mom reads this blog (obviously), as does my older brother. If I said I’d grown up, there would be much laughter. 😉

  2. Widdershins says:

    What Laura said …!

  3. Kathleen Hammond says:

    Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

    I’m grateful to be here. I’m grateful you are my daughter. Thank you.

  4. Kathleen Hammond says:


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