Monday lingers

Okay, so the reason Monday lingers is because it’s actually past midnight, making it Tuesday, but this is still my Monday update.

Words written today: 1,502
Words written 2017: 11,361
Average words/day 2017: 1,262
Books completed 2017: none yet
Pages read: 0
Books read 2017: 0
Exercise reps: 2

My average is still going down. Have to do something about that. On the other hand, I crossed 50,000 words in the book today, which is a nice milestone.

Oh, yeah, and I made a tasty spatchcocked chicken for dinner.

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4 Responses to Monday lingers

  1. Nicki says:

    Mmm…chicken. Looks tasty!

  2. Margaret says:

    Hugs on the dropping, but yay for crossing 50k. Major milestone there.

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