Metaphors can be stretched too far

dogwood blooms

Dogwood colors are deepening, and they’ve opened more

In the book I’m indexing, I have been rather amused at some of the things that were said in sermons hundreds of years ago. Can’t imagine hearing those sorts of words from the pulpit today.

In other news, flowers are blooming, words are coming, and sleep really is a miraculous cure.

Words written today: 345
Words written this month: 12,211
Words written 2017: 93,011
Average words/day 2017: 830
Books completed 2017: 1
Pages read today: only for work
Books read 2017: 7


Peony is budding

apple blossoms

Apple blossoms


And the hostas are up and need to be divided soon

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2 Responses to Metaphors can be stretched too far

  1. Nicki says:

    That dogwood is *stunning*. Yay, sleep!

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