Look what we found!

This weekend, my husband was trimming the dead parts off the holly bush, and he discovered a bird’s nest with eggs.
Robin's nest with four eggs

Also this weekend, my friend Bonnie visited and we went to a nearby park, where I took several photos. Here are a couple I really liked:
Wisteria cluster


Any idea what type of fern this is?

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8 Responses to Look what we found!

  1. Nicki Ivey says:

    We had the good fortune to have a bird nest in a hanging planter a couple years ago. It was fun looking from time to time to see the progress!

  2. Margaret says:

    Cool. Here’s hoping the eggs hatch. It’ll be great fun to watch your kids experience it.

  3. Widdershins says:

    Who belongs to the blue eggs?!!!

  4. Ashe Elton Parker says:

    Oh, that nest is such a great discovery!

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