Hard to believe it snowed most of the day.

Just hours later, and the snow is (mostly) gone.
Hard to believe it snowed most of the day.
Just hours later, and the snow is (mostly) gone.
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Ah spring…I would love to see grass again. Our last snow hasn’t gone anywhere.
I think you got more snow in your last storm than we’ve had all winter. I have reason to believe that it’s actually spring, however: the blackbirds are migrating through again.
Gee, that looks familiar.
Here and gone. 🙂 Just wish it would actually warm up.
It’s been unusually cold and unsettled down here in Florida for weeks now. Not at all the norm.
Oh, dear! Sorry to hear Florida’s been cold, too. Hope it warms up for you soon (but not too much, of course! You don’t need August temps in April).
We’ve had three sunny days in a row here … I’m beginning to like it!
Color me jealous! Our sun today has been at best intermittent.