I’ve got this

Well, maybe. Mostly, what I’ve got is deadlines that I’m determined to meet.

Also 542 words today.

Debating between copyediting another chapter and getting some sleep to have fresh eyes and brain in the morning. Truthfully, pretty sure I’m going to have to give up sleep either tonight or tomorrow to get this done. But (as I said) I am determined.

decorated pumpkin on a post

One of the neighbors always has pumpkins out that they decorate seasonally. Or just leave out all winter for the squirrels. This one’s ready for summer.

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4 Responses to I’ve got this

  1. Nicki says:

    You’ve got it! I hope you got the sleep last night so you could have fresh eyes this morning. Good luck!

  2. Widdershins says:

    A most excellent pumpkin! 🙂

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