Inktober begins

My feelings about today are complicated. Dad would’ve been 89 today. And I’ve been under the weather all weekend, so my energy was low — as in, I made it to the grocery store this morning, then napped all afternoon (and husband took our daughter to her soccer without me). So no writing all weekend, either.

On the other hand, I really loved doing Inktober last year, and I’ve been looking forward to it this year. I even downloaded the suggested prompts. So here are the prompts and today’s sketch.

inktober 2017 prompts
sketch of napping on couch

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  1. {{{hugs}}} I’m glad you did Inktober today because you were so looking forward to it.

  2. I enjoyed your Inktober last year too. 😀 … looking forward to this one as well. 🙂

  3. I yobbe it!!

    Hogs & Tisses

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