In-service days

I’m grateful that I finished up the current batch of paying work and have time free to spend with my family on a day when the kids are both home for teacher in-service days and my husband has fall break.

Hope you’re all enjoying the day!

What are you grateful for today?

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6 Responses to In-service days

  1. Nicki says:

    I’m grateful that I haven’t gone postal on the Post Office yet. It’s a close thing, though. The wine helped.

  2. widdershins says:

    Thanksgiving Day here in Canada … relaxing with my family 😀

  3. Laura Eno says:

    I’m grateful (!!!) to be up and moving, eating, normally only a week after gallbladder surgery! 🙂

    • Erin says:

      Yi! Yes, that would be a source of great gratitude. I hope your recovery continues to go splendidly!

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