Home again, home again

Just some quick notes today.

I didn’t post from Boskone itself because Wi-Fi at the hotel was $13/day, and I couldn’t get my iPod Touch to log on correctly in the lobby, where access apparently was free.

My son had a terrific time, got his picture taken with Bruce Coville, went to a kaffeeklatsch with both Bruce Coville and Jane Yolen, played games with other kids, learned how to armor a knight, and attended several panel discussions (including the one where he vehemently disagreed with the audience member who said that our education system traumatized kids for math and science, which is why they also won’t look at science fiction; those are his favorite subjects).

I also had a good time, and this year I attended a wider variety of events than my usual, including the play on Saturday night (“The Giant’s Tooth,” based on a story by Bruce Coville).

Between the busy weekend and the long drive home, I’m still feeling a little tired, but I should be up to posting some notes later this week.

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  1. Glad your trip was a success. Good on your boy for speaking up about his own experience.


  2. Looks like a great time! I would have loved the kaffeeklatsch…

    • It was a great time. This was the first year I didn’t go to a kaffeeklatsch or literary beer, but it’s always great to talk to professionals informally. My son told me afterwards that he learned the two of them had worked together for a long time, which surprised him. I think one of the things he got from the con is that no matter how solitary an occupation writing seems when you’re sitting at the keyboard, it really is a community.

  3. Yay that you had a great time!

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