Happy Memorial Day

This Memorial Day, I have a lot to be grateful for: my mom, time with my family, those who’ve served our country whether or not they died in her service (including my dad, my older brother, my dad’s brothers, my mother’s father — Civil Service, cousins, and friends), and being here to appreciate all of them.

On a Memorial Day holiday 15 years ago, I was on a boat with my fiancé (now husband), his brother, the brother’s roommate, and the roommate’s girlfriend. That was the day I learned how sharp motorboat propellers are. (Oddly enough, my husband and I don’t go boating for Memorial Day.) That’s 15 years to appreciate.

What are you grateful for today?

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6 Responses to Happy Memorial Day

  1. Nicki says:

    Happy Memorial Day, Erin.

  2. Kathleen Hammond says:

    Don’t forget your great-aunt in the memorial line up.

    I’m grateful the Trauma Center has/had such experienced doctors, nurses, technicians, physical therapists, etc. I’m also grateful that your future husband was such an awesome helpmate then, as well as now.

  3. Ross says:

    Has it really been 15 years? Where did the time go?

    • Erin says:

      Well, technically it’s 15 years at the end of the month, as that was one of the years where the holiday actually fell on the 31st. Official admission to the hospital was on June 1 and discharge on the 30th. But yeah, that long. Hard to believe I’ve been living with this for such a large portion of my life.

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