Half the year is past

hosta buds

This year really seems to be flitting by. I wish I had more to show for it. Despite not having completed projects yet, however, I feel more on top of things. My writing feels more solid. I have plans for where I want to go with my career, which was never a high priority before — I tended more to the “spaghetti on the wall” method.

Family life feels more grounded, too. I still have days when I totally lose it with my kids because they interrupt one too many times, but I’m happy to plan time with them. My daughter and I have actually agreed on one hour a day that she gets my attention, to draw or play or whatever, and because I can plan on this, it doesn’t feel like an imposition. There are still things I want to add in, but we’ll see how that goes, little by little.

I’ve managed to actually complete a craft project (I’ll post about it on Sara’s blog), and I’ve got a couple others on tap to start.

In other words, right now, I feel settled. I don’t know if I’m really as on track as it feels like, but I’m definitely making progress and doing all the things that are priorities in my life. (Well, maybe I could spend more time with friends.) For all of this, I’m grateful.

What are you grateful for today?

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2 Responses to Half the year is past

  1. Chris says:

    Such a challenge, isn’t it, to balance everything. Your post strikes a chord. My situation is somewhat similar. But summer, for me, is almost always a time of blossoming. I’m finally getting back to some edits of my own work that I’ve been putting off, among other things. My writing has been frozen for a few months, and now I feel myself slowly slipping back into it. Finally getting back to writing a blogpost, looking at others’ blogs,and being more than an RTer on Twitter.

    Here’s to making some progress!

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