Fun day was fun

glow-bowlingThere were some meltdowns on the math fun day, as well as sulking. But mostly, it was good. I might have been a little frustrated at the shopping part. (I would have organized a list of all the prices needed to solve the word problems onto a separate sheet of paper and then moved from one end of the store to the other, gathering the info in a logical order, rather than going back and forth to look up prices in produce then sundries then back to the hot dogs, which are near the produce, etc.) Bowling was when we had a couple of the meltdowns, but also a strike and a few spares in our group, so that was fun. (I apologize for the blurry photo.)

Eventually, I added 633 words for the day, mostly on the new project (because I’m going to try to work on the novella and finish the second technowitch novel at the same time). Better than how I’ve been doing so far this week. Tomorrow, more words. Write all the things!

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  1. Ooh, more Technowitch? <3

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