Friday flash: FHIS Urchins

FHIS Urchins

Welcome to the FHIS Orphanage. You are here because some householder — possibly your own parent — has traded you to us in exchange for someone to do the housework. A good deal for them, not so good for you.

While you are here, you will be taught to cook and clean, as well as care for animals. When you are properly trained and ready, you, too, will be traded to a householder. With luck, you might even be rescued as a true cinder wench or goose girl — or better yet, rescue yourself.

Think of it as your fairy tale come true.

100 words

Because so many people wanted to know what happened to the urchins last week.

My blog is participating in the Forward Motion Flash Friday Blog Group, a weekly flash fiction exercise (not that I’m managing weekly!). Check out the other participating blogs for more flash.

Also, I have another drabble up at SpeckLit; it went up yesterday. Ghostwriter

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7 Responses to Friday flash: FHIS Urchins

  1. Kathleen Hammond says:

    Is it too late to trade one or two in? Or, don’t male urchins count?

  2. Margaret says:

    Nice resolution :).

  3. Oh wow! A true horror story. Still trying to recover from the mind pictures. Well done.

  4. Oh, nice wrapup šŸ˜€

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