Everything’s square

I think I’ve figured out part of what’s had me under the weather — the first part of tree pollen season (which includes juniper pollen) is upon us. Claritin in the morning seems to be helping, so my word count should go up during the week.

Today, though, was a measly 81. Which, yes, is better than 0, but not by much.

Tomorrow’s scenes, though, I’m excited for! So on to the week…!

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5 Responses to Everything’s square

  1. Widdershins says:

    Licorish seems to alleviate the worst of my seasonal snuffles – the good stuff, with minimal sugars. I think it’s the anise. I also brew up a tisane using star anise.

  2. Nicki says:

    {{hugs}} for the slow words, but also {{congratulatory hugs}} for keeping the streak alive. I hope the allergies relent soon.

    • Erin says:

      Thank you! Some days, it seems the only reason I get words is because I don’t want to post here saying I didn’t. An imperfect motivation, but it seems to work. And today will be better!

      Sadly, it’s a succession of different trees from now through May and into June. One of many reasons I frequently tell my family that Pennsylvania is trying to kill me. 😛

      • Nicki says:

        Anything that keeps the words flowing and developing a daily habit (which I presume is your goal, and I know is mine) is perfect motivation.

        Gah. June, you say? Dislike on your behalf.

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