E is for . . .

Editing. (As in copyediting and proofreading, which I should be working on right now, instead of writing a post.)

English Breakfast tea. (Current beverage, decaf variety.)

Enough. (Although if we’re looking at the list of things I’m working on, I passed “enough” about ten items back. Or maybe fifteen.)

Evil muse. (She finally gave me the last line to go with a first line from a couple years ago, so now I have another story on my to-do list.)

Energy. (The running is really helping with that. I’m getting done with the runs and feeling positively exhilarated. Not necessarily wanting to sit down and set to work, but that’s a different issue, now isn’t it?)

Elephants. (At one point in elementary school, we had to create fictional restaurants for ourselves. Mine was “Erin’s Elephants,” and the restaurant was housed in a building shaped like an elephant, where the legs were elevators to get people and supplies up to the actual restaurant. Steaks were expensive, ice cream was cheap, and salads weren’t on the menu.)

Eggplants. (Which if you peel and cube it, then boil and mash it, makes an excellent thickener for all sorts of tomato-based sauces.)

Excuses. (None allowed.)

Empty. (As in my brain, when trying to pick a single topic for this post.)

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8 Responses to E is for . . .

  1. C.L says:

    Ensuring that you write a post for the specified letter of the day even when it’s becoming increasingly more difficult. Erin’s Elephant needs to become a reality!

    • Erin says:

      Excellent reply in keeping with the theme. 🙂 There are a couple of letters later in the alphabet that I already have words picked out for, but along the way, I may be doing a bit of scrambling.

  2. Tara Tyler says:

    You have a fun blog. I have a sci-fi MS too =)
    Happy E day!

  3. I especially liked the “Enough” – I’ve really learned to cut back and now I tell my muse to stay focused. Surprisingly, she listens too! 😉

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