Drive-in movies

Meant to post this yesterday, but there was a lot going on — work, dental appointments, movies. The movies are, as the subject says, the point.

We’re lucky to have not one, not two, but three drive-in movie theaters within driving distance: Becky’s, Shankweiler’s, and Mahoning. We haven’t been to the Mahoning Drive-In, but we’ve enjoyed trips to both of the others. Prices aren’t too different from a regular movie theater, but you get a double feature, no one’s disturbed by how loud the kids are, and the kids even get to run around before and between the movies.

Last night, we went to Becky’s to see Brave and Madagascar 3. Both of our kids managed to stay awake for both movies, and oddly enough, slept until about 10 this morning. We enjoyed both movies, and it was a great family outing.

I’m really grateful that our kids have the chance to go to drive-ins. There are many places where they’ve closed completely, so having three around here is pretty special, even if it is half an hour’s drive to get to any of them. I have memories of drive-ins from being a small child (I recall seeing Song of the South and Mary Poppins at the drive-in, and falling asleep in the back seat), to high school (My dad took my brothers and me to see Octopussy), and even grad school (Drove down to Hayward with my then-fiance, now husband). Now I get to make new memories, of drive-ins with our kids.

What’s your favorite drive-in memory (that you can share in a family friendly environment, please)? Or what are you grateful for this week?

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6 Responses to Drive-in movies

  1. Arlee Bird says:

    My parents took us to the movies on a regular basis. When we moved to San Diego in 1959, we began going to the drive-in movies more so than theaters. One of my favorite memories was when we went to see a film and there was a second sneak preview on the bill. My dad must have liked the surprise of seeing what the sneak previews would be because we went to see several of them. The one that stands out was Panic in the Year Zero, a film about a nuclear attack. Not so much the average kid-friendly fare, but I grew up watching those Atomic Age horror and suspense flicks and I was thrilled to see one as the sneak preview.

    Wrote By Rote

  2. Widdershins says:

    Mary Popping was my first drive-in movie. I always envied her ‘brolly’. Serendipitiously, the first movie I ever saw in a cinema was The Sound of Music. It’s no wonder Julie Andrews is my hero!

  3. Laura Eno says:

    When I was a young teen we tried to fit nine people into a ’57 Chevy and get into the drive-in. Needless to say, they wouldn’t let us through. 🙂

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